10 Ways To Make Money [Staying At Home]
Have you ever wished you could make money at home? Want to earn a bit extra to help with the bills or to pay for a yearly vacation?
I’m a bit of a homebody. I love my home. It’s comfortable and makes me happy to be here. So I’ve figured out a few different ways to make money from home.
Below will be my top 10 ways to make money from home. Most of the methods are generating passive income and you don’t have to leave your house to do it! How perfect is that??
1. Rent Out A Room
Got an extra room in your house? A spare couch? Or even a tent in the backyard? Anywhere someone can comfortably sleep, can be rented.
I’ve renovated the master bedroom in my home and rent it out on Airbnb. You can read this article on how I basically pay anywhere between 50-100% of my rent every month renting out my extra room along with #2 below.
2. Babysit A Dog
If you’re a dog lover you might get excited about this one. Would you love to have a dog around on a part time basis? Maybe you’re at a point in your life where it’s just not possible. This is a great option for you to make a little extra money every month.
I have had dogs most of my life but right now it doesn’t make sense for me to have one. I miss having one though so I thought I’d try babysitting one.
The following sites give you the ability to be a part-time dog owner and get paid for it.
Dogvacay.com, Doggiebnb.com, Rover.com
3. Write or Create A Book (passive after created)
In 2014 I noticed that there was a huge boom in adult coloring books. One day I was in the bookstore looking at these books and had an idea. I thought “I could make one of these!” At the time I didn’t necessarily know how but I knew that I loved to draw and that I could do it. So I did. I created and published my first coloring book in November 2014. They sell on Amazon and I make anywhere between $300 – $800/month from one book.
Since I published the book I’ve created 2 more and am working on my fourth. The amount of time I put in at the beginning was probably about 40 hours but now the books continuously sell and I do very little to promote them. I’m sure if I marketed them more, I’d make more, but I’m honestly just so busy with other things. This is why I marked this idea as semi-passive because at the beginning it takes some work, but after it’s released, you don’t have to do a whole lot.
Nevertheless, creating a book has been a fabulous passive income for me. I will be writing a blog post soon about how I did it so be sure to sign up for my updates to be notified of that post.
If you’re not good at drawing, maybe you’re good at writing or you like puzzles, there are lots of ways to create a book. It doesn’t mean you have to be a writer or even have anything important to say.
Here’s an article I wrote about this experience.
How to Self Publish Your Book [On The Cheap]
4. Start A Blog (semi-passive)
Ever thought about starting a blog? If so, you’ll want to check out my other post How To Start A Blog.
Maybe you love crafting, or cooking, or animal welfare. Maybe you’re really good at helping people figure out their careers, or at making all natural body products. Whatever it is, having a blog is a great tool to add to your life to either just share your ideas with the world or create a second or full-time income.
With technology today, it’s actually quite simple to do and with the Ultimate Toolkit for Serious WordPress Bloggers, you will have a more successful blog.
5. Provide A Service (not passive)
This particular idea is not passive but it is a good one if you have a skill that is digital in nature. For example, are you good at editing, copywriting, graphic design, voice overs, programming or consulting? Then you may be able to give yourself some part time (or full time if you really love working from home) by using sites that connect people with these skills with people who need these services.
Upwork.com, Hubstaff.com, Freelancer.com, Outsourcely.com
Ideas I haven’t tried yet but just might for fun…and you might want to check out as well.
6. Rent Out Your Garage Or Parking Space
Got extra space in your basement? Your garage? An extra parking space? Space is a valuable commodity if you live in a big city and people are willing to pay for it.
Spacer.com, Carmanation.com, Monkeyparking.co
7. Cook A Meal (not passive, but definitely passion)
Love to cook? Maybe you live alone or there are just two of you but you love to cook a huge meal. Apparently, there are people who would pay to come over and join you for that meal. Sounds like a great way to meet new people and share your passion with new friends.
Josephine.com, Getmouthful.com
8. Convince Your Boss To Work From Home (not passive)
This idea is definitely NOT passive, but if you have the sort of job that you COULD do from home, this might be something to look into. If you haven’t read The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris, you should because in that book not only does he talk about how to create a shorter work week for yourself and make more money but there is an entire section on how to get your boss to let you work from home more.
The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris
Article: 6 tips for convincing your boss to let you work from home
9. Share Your Land With Gardeners
Do you have a backyard that is just sitting there? Do you love the results of a garden but don’t enjoy the work behind it? Well, I discovered there is a site that you can rent out your fertile land to gardening enthusiasts. I’m sure you can be paid in tomatoes if you wanted. 🙂
10. Lend Out Your Car, Tools And Other Stuff
Yes, apparently people will pay to rent our your stuff on a daily or weekly basis. Lawnmowers, cameras, sporting equipment…even clothes/shoes.
I do recommend you get a decent security deposit when renting out your items, take photos of your things before renting them out, have your renter sign a contract, and consult an attorney about local, state and federal tax obligations.
Please note that if you’re making money you have to claim it on your taxes. Check with an accountant and/or lawyer about specifics of this.
Also check with local government bodies for regulations and restrictions.
Leave me a comment below and let me know what other ways you have discovered to make passive (or semi-passive) income from home.
Love & light,
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